Information for Service Providers

What's this all about?
With our free service, your customers can see at a glance how far away your service person is and how many more stops they still have scheduled.

After each job is finished the change in status is automatically updated and email notifications are sent out customers scheduled for later in the day - that way, they will be ready when your service person arrives.

Automated notification messages are also sent to your back office, making it easy for you to keep track of current jobs.

Why do customers care?
The only thing that customers hate more than waiting for a service person is hearing the doorbell ring the second that they start doing something else.

Real-time updates allow your customers to go about their business until they get the final notification that your service person is now heading to their site.

What's in it for you?
No More Four Hour Time Windows
Upsell and Cross-Sell
Let's face it, your average service person is not a salesperson. But, wouldn't it be great if when you sent them out they were able to generate new business anyway?
Three steps to getting new sales and recurring revenue
  1. Upload your ads to our site.
  2. Now, schedule jobs on our site and each time your customer tracks the location of their service person they will see your current promotion.
  3. By the time your service person arrives, the customer has already been prepped to ask them about saving money by signing up for an annual maintenance/tune-up plan, investing in an extended warranty, or how they can claim a cash credit by referring a new customer to you.

    There is nothing for your service person to sell - they just take the order.

How much does this service cost?
Our premium plan includes:
  • Online Company Portal (allows you to schedule and assign jobs)
  • Online Service Person Portal (allows service people to view and complete jobs that have been assigned to them)
  • Ad Portal (allows you to upload ads that your customer will see when tracking the status of their job)
  • Mobile Friendly Customer Portal (showing time/distance and number of stops scheduled ahead of their stop)
  • Automated Job Completion Notifications (to back-office staff when a job has been completed)
  • Automated Email Notifications (to customers when the estimated arrival time of their service person changes)
  • Monthly Reports showing the number jobs completed by each of your service people
  • On demand report showing the number of times each of your ads was viewed
  • On demand report showing the number of times each of your ads was clicked
  • Automated rotation of ads to make sure each ad gets equal exposure
  • Smart Ads (they automatically resize based on the device size they are viewed on)
  • Targeted and Timely Ads (your customers see only your ads - not 3rd party ads) about your products/services when they need them the most.
Each scheduled job costs only 32 cents.
You can schedule as few or as many jobs as you like (there is no monthly minimum).
Account setup is always free.

Sounds good. What do I need to get started?
Absolutely no special hardware or software is needed. All that you'll need to manage your account is an internet connection and a web browser. Your service person can see and update the status of their jobs using any standard smart phone or internet connected tablet.
Apply today for a free service provider account and you can be offering our service to your customers in as little as 5 days. Later you can upgrade to a premium account (if you want - no pressure).
For now, give it a test with a free account.
No cost, no obligation, no kidding.

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